Friday, May 22, 2020

Persuasive Speech On Freedom Of Speech - 724 Words

Although freedom of speech is protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States the issue has been contested throughout our nations history. The latest battle for the First Amendment was started by Colin Kaepernick in 2016, when he took a knee during the National Anthem and has been continued by thousands of other players in the NFL and beyond. The players argue that African Americans are not treated equally in the United States, and if we disregard the inflammatory nature of their argument (not to imply that their claims are unfounded) it is obvious that they have the right to protest. The public backlash against these protesters is protected under the Constitution because freedom of speech does not mean†¦show more content†¦In source A a commentator for the NFL remarked, â€Å"I’m one of those who stand, and some can sit and take a knee. And that is something to which I may not relate, but it is something I can see and try and understand and listen to have the conversation. That is what you said, Kurt [Warner], is liberty and justice for all. That is what the democracy is about, an American experience that is better for all, governing for all.† In his response to the president he reminds Trump and the American people that it is a glorious thing for the right to protest to be protected in our country. Source F is a political cartoon depicting the Statue of Liberty (a powerful symbol of American freedom) taking a knee, it is a poignant reminder of how lucky we are to live in a nation that protects our right to political discourse and in fact that very political discourse is vital in keeping our freedoms alive. If the managers of the National Football League decide to fire the protesting players it will be between them and their employees as human resource manager, Rebecca Goldbach, explains, â€Å"The employers ability to discipline/terminate in these cases may be based upon the terms and conditions of employment/how that employment is defined. If some of these guys arent violating any morals clauses whenShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech On Freedom Of Speech1119 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Freedom of speech, let ‘em take it from me, next they’ll take it from you, then what you gonna do? Let ‘em censor books, let’em censor art, PRMC, this is where the witch hunt starts, you’ll censor what we see, we read, we hear , we learn.† - Critically Acclaimed Musician and Actor Ice- T. 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