Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Family Of A Person - 1182 Words

Every person has their own family origin, and that’s what defines them. The family roots, name, and history are the main reasons for being. It is one of the most important information about a person. The family can help people to conclude what the type of person they are just by knowing their family background. In fact, genetics can also elaborate how families are a big part of every person. The way the person looks, their health, personality and many other are the genetics that people get from their families. The family can affect a person in many ways since they are a very significant in a people’s lives. From the day a person was born, until they die, the family is what they always have. Therefore, a person was defined by their family†¦show more content†¦All in all, the main reason how a person become in that situation was because they were born that way, and their family is the main cause of it. Secondarily, the family can affect a person on how will they view the world, and how would they live with it. There are certain things that we are doing just because we need to and our family tells us to. Some of it may become our permanent responsibilities in life. Me as an example, because of my family’s high expectations I became responsible for my studies. Having good grades was not just a thing that I just wanted; it was a responsibility for me because our family is expecting everyone to be successful. Another is the responsibility to have the best career; my family does not take enough as an answer because they always wanted the best or the highest. Living with an Asian family was really tough because it was like I’m always in a competition. However, in my perspective, I know that they are doing this just for my own good. In addition, there are some family traditions that were known in our family like celebrating family reunion annually. It became a part of us ev en it was not mandatory. There are also simple things that we do because of our family, and it became a tradition even though we are not aware of it. It was automatically built in our minds that we should live this way, and make it our lifestyle. Overall, one reason why the family is a big part of being is because they affect people greatly to their lifestylesShow MoreRelatedThe Family Structure Is A Representation Of A Person Genealogy1132 Words   |  5 PagesThe family structure is a representation of a person genealogy, providing of a sense of who they are. The typical family structure is perceived as a father and a mother, two children, one boy and one girl, and a pet. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Cocacola Company Free Essays

The Coca-Cola Company Name Institution The Coca-Cola Company The Coca-Cola Company deals with the manufacture of beverages that are non-alcoholic. The Coca-Cola Company has over four hundred brands in many countries of the world. The Company is responsible for manufacturing, distribution and marketing of the beverage product. We will write a custom essay sample on Cocacola Company or any similar topic only for you Order Now It uses a franchised system of distribution where the concentrated syrup is sold to bottlers that are in most countries (Coca Cola Company Quality Information Publishers, 2007). The refreshment Company is Centralized with Human Resource staff that are highly experienced. Centralization in the company helps improve employee’s relation and benefits the consultants (Hays, 2004). The Coca-Cola Company has a mission of refreshing the world, inspiring moments of optimism and creating value as well as making a difference. The vision of the Company states what the Company aims at achieving. The Company has an emphasis on the customers, partners, portfolio, profit making and productivity of the Company (Foster, 2008). The Company uses a multi-divisional matrix because of its huge size and scope of operation. Coca-Cola Company has many International staffs in the separate International Divisions that it owns. They are all isolated from the main head office as they are located in Africa, Europe, Pacific, Latin and North America. These divisions are further divided according to the geographical location. This is crucial since it helps in decision making at the local level of the region (Isdell Beasley, D, 2011). When decisions about the Company product are made at the local level, the Coca-Cola Company is able to change with the demands in the market. Such an organizational structure is effective for a big Company. Coca-Cola Company has close-fitting operations that are operated from the head office. The organizational structure of Coca-Cola Company is aimed at meeting the sensitivity of the market in the region where the Company is located (Kalapos, 2006). The organizational structure of the Coca-Cola Company is designed to fulfill its own requirements. There both formal and policies and rules within the Company. The structure helps in the facilitation of communication and authority within the Company (Hays, 2004). For the organizational structure of Coca-Cola Company to be effective, it should clarify employees’ responsibilities so as to eliminate any possible obstacles. Designing the organizational structure of Coca-Cola Company is the process since all resources must be coordinated in an effective way. This helps curb competition in the environment where Coca-Cola Company is located. The structure is required to be flexible, constantly change and evolve with the changes in the environment. Coca-Cola Company organizational design in any region of the world needs to learn faster, execute its roles quickly and change easily for it to maintain and increase its market share in the area (Hays, 2004). The Coca-Cola Company fins benefits in standardization because of the many acquisitions that are made by the company. It does not use local policies but uses shared policies for the entire company. This is aimed at ensuring that the customer experience is similar for their interaction. Standardization in the company helps in retention and recruitment. The idea of hiring highly motivated and competent personnel to work in the company is an emerging issue. It is crucial for the company to have skilled employees for success reasons (Isdell Beasley, D, 2011). Coca-Cola Company has mass production, and it must hence use mechanized structures for efficient production. The Coca-Cola Company does not produce the end products, but it distributes the concentrated syrup to bottlers to sell the product. To boost the Company performance, the lower management has been involved in the company’s activities, and this instills a sense of responsibility to them. Coca-Cola Company has worked out on ways aimed at reducing bureaucracy and speed the process of decision making. (Coca Cola Company Quality Information Publibhers, 2007). Decision making within the company is done through incremental process where it does not readily decide on the creation of new products (Hays, 2004). The decision making process within Coca-Cola Company can be termed as unstructured since the model involves those in the lower management even in decision making (Hays, 2004). Unstructured decision making is useful to the Company as it helps in solving problems and decision making process within the company. (Hays, 2004). Coca-Cola Company helps in environmental and climate protection efforts. The Company has good programs to balance on the use of water in the line of production (Hays, 2004). The Company has many water initiatives in various communities as well as efforts to conserve soil and climate (Coca Cola Company Quality Information Publishers, 2007). The lifecycle of Coca-Cola Company products starts from the ingredients used in the manufacture of the syrup, packaging, manufacturing, distribution, refrigeration and storage, consumption and finally recycling the cans (Isdell Beasley, D, 2011). Coca-Cola Company was started in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The founder of the Company who was John Pemberton sold it to Asa Chandler who named it Coca-Cola Company in 1892 (Isdell Beasley, D, 2011). There is a competitive advantage between the Coca-Cola Company and the distributors. There is a symbiotic relationship that is interdependent where the failure or success of one has an impact on the other (Pendergrast, 1993). Over a year, the Coca-Cola Company has built strong brands of drinks which cannot be imitated by its competitors (Pendergrast, 1993). COCA-COLA COMPANY STAKEHOLDERS| METHOD OF COMMUNICATION | BOTTLING PARTNERS | ISSUES CONSULTATION | EMPLOYEES| SURVEYS | NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS| ISSUES CONSULTATION | SHAREOWNERS | REGULAR COMMUNICATION AND CONSULTATION | SUPPLIERS| REVIEW MEEETINGS | COMMUNITIES| CONSULTATION AND INTERVEW | CONSUMERS| FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSIONS AND INTERVIEWS| The table shows the method of communication used by Coca-Cola Company in reaching out to its stakeholders. Organizational structure of Coca-Cola Company Coca-Cola Company president | Staff Manufacturing Plant | Finance Marketing | Europe Division, Latin America, Division, North America Division, Africa Division, Pacific Division | Many Subdivisions | References Coca Cola Company. , Quality Information Publishers. (2007). Historic vending machine films. Asheville, N. C. : Quality Information Publishers. Hays, C. L. (2004). Pop: Truth and power at the Coca-Cola Company. London: Hutchinson. Isdell, E. N. , Beasley, D. (2011). Inside Coca-Cola: A CEO’s life story of building the world’s most popular brand. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Kalapos, G. (2006). Fertility goddesses, groundhog bellies ; the Coca-Cola Company: The origins of modern holidays. Toronto: Insomniac. Bell, L. (2004). The story of Coca-Cola. North Mankato, Minn: Smart Apple Media. Pendergrast, M. (1993). For God, country, and Coca-Cola: The unauthorized history of the great American soft drink and the company that makes it. New York: Scribner’s. How to cite Cocacola Company, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Robert Browning (1621 words) Essay Example For Students

Robert Browning (1621 words) Essay Robert BrowningThe creation of a plausible character within literature is one of the mostdifficult challenges to a writer, and development to a level at which the readeridentifies with them can take a long time. However, through the masterful use ofpoetic devices and language Browning is able to create two living and breathingcharacters in sixty or less lines. When one examines these works one has to thatthey are quite the achievements for they not only display the personas of twodistinct men but also when compared show large differences while dealing withessentially the same subject. A brief examination of the structural aspects ofPorphyrias Lover is needed before further analysis is done. One canbreak the poem up into twelve stanzas with an ababb stanzaic rhyme structure,though it is most often printed as a block poem. This would make it analternately rhymed quatrain with a fifth line attached to create a coupletending. The majority of the lines contain four iambic feet, though a f ew arenonasyllabic. Five of the twelve stanzas spill into the next stanza, thusdetracting from their free-standing integrity. These stanzas are notsyntactically self-containing and therefore the end-couplet value is undercut. If we examine the end of the eighth stanza we see that there is enjambment intothe ninth stanza. In one long yellow string I wound, Three times her littlethroat around, And strangled her. (Browning, Porphyrias Lover, Lines39-41) This does detract from the couplet though it emphasizes the tone, makingthe understated nature even more sociopathic. This is one example of how thissimple tool in itself masterfully accentuates the overall tone of understatementand the impression of lackadaisical unaffected speech. The majority of the wordsin this poem are monosyllabic which adds to the mood. However, what is moreimportant is that the words that are polysyllabic are quiet and unassuming. Theydo not break the tense tranquility of the piece. Burrows points out that, Muchof the force of the narrative lies in its almost na?ve simplicity and in thecorresponding quiet, matter-of-fact tone of voice, a tone which in effect is notshouting ?Horrible murder! Read all about it! but murmuring, ?I am goin gto tell you a nice little bedtime story. (Burrrows, page 53) Despite the factthat the metrical pattern is often strayed from, some lines contain 3 or 5stresses, the poem is rhythmically appealing. According to Burrows, suggests the accents and modulations of speech and also remains quietlyunemphatic. (page 56) A similar analysis of My Last Duchess is alsoneeded before the two can be compared adequately. The frigid decorum of the Dukeis established by the imperceptible, but unfailing, rhyming couplets. Theinability for the reader to notice these during recital of the poem is due tothe extreme prevalence of enjambment within the work. According to Burrows,It is decidedly the ?open couplet that he uses, and there are many?run-on lines since syntactical pauses rarely coincide with couple-endingsor line endings. (page 116) The meter of the poem is iambic pentameter thoughthe rhythm feels more irregular due to the deliberate disregard for the formalcouplet pattern. This also creates the sense or beat of regular speech and helpsto create the tone of the Dukes voice. The Duke does not seem as formal inthis poem (as his created persona suggests him to be normally). This laxness isdone in a coldly calculating way creating a visible fa?ade. Burrows realizesthat, The quiet, casual conversation tone prevails throughout the except for onebrief moment when the Duke reaches the understated climax of his lastduchesss history and his phrases harder into a lapidary laconism. (Burrows,page 120) This grew; I gave commands; Then all smiles stopped together. .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c , .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c .postImageUrl , .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c , .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c:hover , .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c:visited , .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c:active { border:0!important; } .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c:active , .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0dde9adadfd1698cc7423ecf3864535c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Do what you love and the money Essay(Browning, My Last Duchess, lines 45-6) There is a literary implement thatthis poem has not contained within Porphyrias Lover to any knowledge. This is the use of historical allusion. Louis S. Friedland, through hisresearch, has shown that the Duke is most likely based on Alfonso II, the fifthDuke of Ferrara. (DeVane, pages 108-9) He lived in Italy during the Renaissance,and the similarities are impressive. Alfonso II married a daughter, Lucrezia, ofthe Medici family. She was not well educated and was from what would have beenconsidered by nobility an upstart family. She came with a sizeable dowry andthey married in 1658. Three years later she was dead, and there was a strongsuspicion of poisoning. The Duke then went to seek the hand of Barbara, thedaughter of Ferdinand I of Spain, and the niece of the Count of Tyrol. The countwas in charge of arranging the marriage and used Nikolaus Madruz, a native ofInnsbruck, as his courier. The mention of Claus from Innsbruck in the poem ismost likely the Dukes method of softening him up, of saying, I know yourpeople and respect their work. The similarities between the two poems areskin deep. Both the poems trace the history of a jaded mans obsession with awoman that did not meet his expectations culminating in her murder. From thispoint the poems start diverging. In Porphyrias Lover the Lover is notspeaking to anyone specifically, and it is quite feasible that he is speaking tohimself after he has committed the act, perhaps, for the purpose ofself-justification. The Duke is speaking to the representative of the Countwhose ward he is trying to marry. There are, of course, the obvious differencesin the class situation of each of these men. The Lover is of lower socialposition than Porphyria, and because of this she is unwilling to marry him. TheDuke is nobility and one gets the impression the Duchess might not have been. She is not grateful for his gift of a nine-hundred-year-old name. The useof the word gift implies that she has just recently become aristocracy. Theseclass differences are easily seen in the diction and the attitude that ischaracteristic of each of these men. The intent of the Lover, though brought toaction in an insane way, is much more noble than that of the Duke. she, Tooweak, for all her hearts endeavour, To set its struggling passion free, Frompride, and vainer ties dissever, And give herself to me forever. (Browning,Porphyrias Lover, lines 20-25) His murder of her is the only way thathe can think of for them to be together. This is what Porphyria yearns forthough she is to weak to break social taboo and marry him. The Duke does notkill the Duchess out of love, but because he is insecure. His ego cannot take awoman that is so visibly strong and democratic in nature. The murder is theDukes way of removing and affront to his perception of aristocracy, and alsoof eliminating his fe elings of jealousy and insufficiency. The women in both ofthese poems are definitely secondary though Browning lets the Duchess become afreer entity than Porphyria. The Duchess manages to escape the Dukespossessive My while Porphyria is never really able to escape theLovers, she was mine, mine. The Lovers murder results from the factthat he is unable to be with his female ideal due to her weakness while the Dukewas oblivious to the fact that he already had this female ideal as his wife. Theidealness of the Duchess is evident through the description of her personality. .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062 , .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062 .postImageUrl , .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062 , .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062:hover , .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062:visited , .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062:active { border:0!important; } .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062:active , .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062 .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u58958ce51fee87f6b016223e7d94f062:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Artificial Intelligence EssayShe is always smiling, gracious, and kind to all without distinguishing based onclass. The symbols that Browning uses, such as the white mule and thebough of cherries brought to Porphyria by a worshipper, are traditionallyassociated with the Virgin Mary. Porphyria is not ideal though she does possessmany admirable qualities. The Lover refers to her as perfectly pure andgood. Symbolically we see her positive nature through her blazing up thecheerless grate and making all the cottage warm which both, cottageand grate, represent the Lover. Her name, Porphyria, as Burrows mentions, comesfrom porphyry, a beautiful red stone with a lovely glow. (page 59) From this wesee that her only flaw is her inability to give herself fully to the Lover dueto class and pride. Thus Browning leaves the reader with a greater ambivalencetoward her. Through the differences he instills in the characters of the Duchessand Porphyria Browning changes the readers conception of the Duke and the Lover. One is horrified by both of their acts, but is much more tolerant of thedejected and hurt Lover than of the snobbish and misogynistic Duke. Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess are two of Browningsimpressive monologues that, through the use of poetic devices, develop uniquemale protagonists. Evident class differences and social issues arise from theseworks. Porphyrias Lover contains the detail and development that wouldnormally be found in a short story while the much denser My Last Duchesscould be said to encompass an entire novel. Thus we can see that these briefworks both show a unique mastery by Browning of creating the fictional psyche. The bizarre interrelationship between man and woman is fully captured withinthese works. There is pain, jealousy, rejection and happiness. The majority ofthe spectrum of emotions associated with love and marriage is contained by thesepieces. From them we can learn the nature of love should allow people to conquerclass distinction and that marriage should avoid sexist male tendencies. Inadequacy is a feeling that pervades both poems, and is evident through thevoices of their protagonists. One can see its horrifying effect immediately. Menneed to learn to deal with their possessive and aggressive natures in a way thatcreates a love that is beneficial to both partners not to just one. Browning, inthese works, is painting the side the Romantics before him neglected to. BibliographyRobert Browning: Selected Poetry, (London: Penguin Books, 1989), pp. 17-8 and25-6 Burrows, Leonard, Browning the Poet, (Perth: University of WesternAustralia Press, 1969), pp. 51-61 and 115-121 DeVane, William Clyde, A BrowningHandbook, (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. 1955), pp. 108-9

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Macbeth Essays (710 words) - Characters In Macbeth,

Macbeth Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, is the tragic tale of Macbeth, a virtuous man, corrupted by power and greed. This tagedy could in fact be called "A Tale of Two Theories". One theory suggests that the tragic hero, Macbeth, is led down an unescapable road of doom by an outside force, namely fate in the form of the three witches. The second suggests that there is no supernatural force working against Macbeth, which therefore makes him responsible for his own actions and inevitable downfall. It must be remembered that Macbethis a literary work of art, and as a peice of art is open to many different interpretations, none of them right and none of them wrong. But the text of the play seems to imply that Macbeth is indeed responsible for his own actions which are provoked by an unwillingness to listen to his own conscience, the witches, and his ambition. First, Macbeth ignores the voice of his own psyche. He knows what he is doing is wrong even before he murders Duncan, but he allows Lady Macbeth and greed to cloud his judgement. In referring to the idea of the murder of Duncan, Macbeth first states,"We will proceed no further in this business"(I.vii.32). Yet, after speaking with Lady Macbeth he recants and proclaims,"I am settled, and bend up/Each corporal agent to this terrible feat"(I.vii.79-80). There is nothing supernatural to be found in a man being swayed by the woman he loves, as a matter of fact this action could be perceived as quite the opposite. Second, the witches have to be dispelled as a source of Macbeth's misfortune before the latter theory can be considered. It is admittedly strange that the weird sisters first address Macbeth with,"All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee Thane of Cawdor!"(I.iii.49), a title which not even Macbeth is aware he has been awarded. Even stranger is the third witch calling to Macbeth,"All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!"(I.iii.50). However as stated by Bradley,"No connection of these announcements with any actions of his was even hinted by [the withches]"(232). Some are still not convinced though of the witches less than supernatural role; nevertheless, Macbeth appears throughout the play to be completely aware 3 of his actions, as opposed to being contolled by some mystic force. The effect of the witches on the action of the play is best summarized by these words: ...while the influences of the Witches' prophecies on Macbeth is very great, it is quite clearly shown to be an influnce and nothing more.(Bradley 232) Most important to the theory that Macbeth is reponsible for his own actions would be a point that the infamous witches and Macbeth agree upon. Such an element exists in the form of Macbeth's ambiton. In the soliloquy Macbeth gives before he murders Duncan, he states, "...I have no spur/To prick the sides of intent, but only/Vaulting ambition,..."(I.vii.25-27). Are these the words of a man who is merely being led down a self dustructive path of doom, with no will of his own? Or are they the words of a man who realizes not only the graveness of his actions, but, also the reasons behind them? The answer is clear, Macbeth is a totally cognizant principal and not a mindless puppet. Later the head witch, Hecate, declares,"Hath been but for a wayward son,/Spiteful and wrathful, who, as others do,/Loves for his own ends, not for you." (III.v.11-13), which again highlights Macbeth's ambitious nature. The most significant part of the play is the part that is missing, and that is a connection between Macbeth's ambition and some spell cast by the weird sisters which might be said to magically cause an increase in his desires. While purposely played in a mysterious setting, the location is not meant to cloud the true theme of the play with the supernatural. Macbeth simply succumbs to natural urges which take him to a fate of his own making. Everyone has character flaws that he must live with; Macbeth simply allowed those flaws to destroy him. 3 Bibliography Bradley, A.C. "The Witch Scenes in Macbeth." England in Literature. Ed. John Pfordesher, Gladys V. Veidemanis, and Helen McDonnell. Illinois: Scott, Foresman, 1989. 232-233 Shekespeare, William. Macbeth. England in Literature. Ed. John Pfordesher, Gladys V. Veidemanis, and Helen McDonnell. Illinois: Scott, Foresman, 1989. 191-262

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

20 Examples of How to Ask for a Customer Review (Plus Templates)

20 Examples of How to Ask for a Customer Review (Plus Templates) Does anyone buy anything these days without reading *at least* a handful of customer reviews first? The answer is no†¦ or very  few. 90%, actually – that’s the percentage of consumers who read online reviews before visiting a business or purchasing a product. It stands to reason†¦. People trust each other more than they trust companies. But how can a company encourage current or former customers to leave reviews? This post covers *a ton* of real-life examples of how companies have encouraged customer reviews for better credibility and conversion rates. Before you dive into all these examples, here are a few free templates to help you along. You’ll find: 5 â€Å"Ask for a Review† Templates to help you communicate with your customers. An Email Marketing Calendar  to plan all your outgoing drip campaigns. A Best Time to Send Email Kit to ensure you’re emailing at optimal times. Email Marketing Bundle  to get your email marketing strategy in order.21 awesome examples of how to ask for customer reviews.Reviews and the Customer Lifecycle You’ve made a sale – which is awesome. BUT, the sales funnel  doesn’t end when someone makes a purchase. The customer lifecycle and funnel extends beyond the sale – where customers are made into loyal advocates. Recommended Reading: The Best Way to Set Up and Troubleshoot Your Sales Funnel Great service makes for happy customers; happy customers leave reviews; customer reviews make for better product pages; better product pages make more sales. It’s one big circle. So just sit back and wait for all those great reviews to come pouring in, right? Well, you could†¦ OR you could take a more proactive approach. Post-purchase emails which encourage customer feedback play an important role in building loyalty and advocacy. You may be wondering... What’s the best way to get someone to leave a review of your product? How can I find some examples of what other companies do? Are there different approaches to this and is one better than the other? I got you. This post contains 20 real-life examples of how to ask customers to leave a review... so you can decide what approach you want to try and how to layout your email for the best results. Reviewing the Product or the Company This first thing you’ll want to consider when asking someone to leave a review is if you want them to review the product they purchased or your company as a whole. You will likely want to choose the individual product  if†¦ You’re selling on an external site like Amazon. Your company sells many different products. The item the customer purchased is a new release. The products you sell aren’t big-ticket items. It’s probably best to ask for a company review  if†¦ Your company only sells a few products. The products you sell are big-ticket items. You’re a new company. Asking for a Product Review s Here are a handful of examples of companies that ask for customers to review their products. J. Crew Here’s a simple example of how to ask customers to leave reviews for products they recently purchased. The company has a dynamic email that auto-populates with the recently purchased products. The customer can easily leave a review by simply clicking on the â€Å"share your thoughts† CTA. What’s good about this? It’s straight forward; no beating around the bush here. As a customer, you know exactly what the purpose of the email is. It’s easy to navigate. The links make it easy to navigate to the review page. It’s short. Review emails don’t have to be lengthy. Do like J. Crew and keep them short and sweet. Barkbox Subscription service, Barkbox, reaches out to customers to rate their most recent box. The email is a good example of how to ask for a product rating when your company only offers one or two services. Since the customer is receiving a curated box of products, Barkbox can use the customer feedback to continually improve its offering. What’s good about this email? Again, this is a very simple email that gets right to the point. The scale rating makes it easy to rate the product without a ton of thought. By allowing the customer to rate the product directly in the email, you can increase the likelihood of someone leaving a review. Crate Barrel Crate Barrel takes it one step further by combining a review email with a plug for a current promotion. This makes sense since the individual has already purchased from the company, but it could also distract from the purpose of the email. If you’re going to insert a promotion into your review emails, make sure it is only one and it is included after the leave a review section. What’s good about this email? The copy is clever and is a play on interior design. Combines a promo to encourage further sales. Takes you directly to the review page. Gap Gap takes a more personal approach by including a personalized intro paragraph. This takes a more indirect approach compared to some of the earlier examples, but it does a good job of making the reader feel like Gap’s customer service cares about their opinion. What’s good about this email? It’s personalized. The headline makes it clear what the company is asking for. Includes the recent order number as a reminder. Etsy Etsy’s product review emails are written in a way to make it seem like there is a necessary task waiting for completion. The emails highlight the need for a review with a large, prominent CTA that stands out from the text. What’s good about this email? The button is prominent. The copy is compelling and makes the reader feel like there is something that still needs to be completed. Includes a short sentence about why it’s important to leave a review. Under Armour Here’s another example that is very straight forward. The reader knows exactly what the company is asking for, but also why reviews are important to the company’s mission. What’s good about this email? The headline stands out in highlighted yellow. The CTA’s are clearly marked with large buttons. The vertical layout makes it easy see each product available for review. L'Occitane French skincare brand, L’Occitane, combines both a personalized intro paragraph and easy to find CTA buttons to make sure the reader can easy navigate to the product review page. What’s good about this email? It has a short personalized intro paragraph. The vertical layout is easy-to-read. There are buttons vs just linked text. Sephora Sephora has a truly unique way of collecting customer reviews. The company offers users a special area of their site called, My Beauty Bag. My Beauty Bag is a personalized area that collects the user’s favorite products and organizes recent purchases as well as product reviews. What’s good about this email? It informs the receiver of what My Beauty Bag is. Has links to go directly to each product review. Michaels Michaels’ leave a review email is a fun play on arts and crafts and fits the company’s brand perfectly. What’s great about this email? The branding is on point for the company’s product offering. The copy offers a fun play on words. The products are clearly laid out with an image and CTA. Society 6 Society 6 offers the ability to do the entire product review directly in the email. They make it easy by including the ability to leave a star rating for the product AND write your text comments without navigating away from the email. They also highlight their Instagram hashtag to help the company curate user content. What’s good about this email? Readers can leave a review without navigating away. Incorporates their social media strategy. Offers two different review styles. Target Target’s customer review email is a good mix of all the best elements listed above. It has a clear title that stands out from the rest of the text; It offers an easy-to-see star rating that can be done directly in the email; and a bold CTA if you want to leave a more in-depth review. What’s good about this email? It’s short and sweet. The star rating makes it easy to rate without navigating out of the email client. The headline and the CTA button stand out.

Friday, November 22, 2019

15 Frequently Confused Pairs of Adjectives

15 Frequently Confused Pairs of Adjectives 15 Frequently Confused Pairs of Adjectives 15 Frequently Confused Pairs of Adjectives By Mark Nichol Some of these similar-looking words do have, among various meanings, the same sense, but their primary definitions are quite different. Know these distinctions: 1. ambiguous/ambivalent: To be ambiguous is be able to be understood in more than one way (or, less commonly, of uncertain identity); to be ambivalent is to express uncertainty or contradictory opinions. (The latter term is also distinct from indifferent, which implies a lack of opinion or concern.) 2. alternate/alternative: To be alternate is to occur by turns or in a pattern that skips from one side to the other, or to provide another possibility; to be alternative is to offer a choice, or to be a variation from a norm. 3. abstruse/obtuse: Something abstruse is, because of complexity, something not easily comprehended; something obtuse is unclear because or careless or imprecise information. (Obtuse also describes someone who is dull or insensitive, or an object that is blunt or round, and alternatively refers to an angle greater than 90 degrees.) 4. arrant/errant: Arrant means â€Å"immoderate† or â€Å"extreme†; errant means â€Å"traveling† or â€Å"being aimless, or â€Å"straying† or â€Å"misbehaving.† 5. celibate/chaste: A celibate person is one who abstains from sex or marriage; chaste is a synonym but can also mean â€Å"modest† or even â€Å"spotless† or â€Å"austere.† 6. climatic/climactic: Climatic refers to climate; climactic applies to a climax. 7. concerted/concentrated: Something concerted has been conducted in a coordinated manner; concentrated means â€Å"focused† in the sense of organizing toward a common goal. 8. desirable/desirous: Something desirable is attractive or advantageous; desirous refers to being driven by desire. 9. disinterested/uninterested: Both terms can mean â€Å"apathetic,† but disinterested also has the sense of â€Å"neutral.† 10. drastic/dramatic: Drastic means â€Å"extreme†; dramatic refers to something suggestive of drama, or emphatic. 11. exceptional/exceptionable: Something exceptional is superior, or rare (it is also employed to refer to those with mental or physical abilities); something exceptionable is offensive or undesirable people take exception to it. 12. extended/extensive: Extended means â€Å"lengthened† (though it is also sometimes used as a synonym for extensive); extensive means â€Å"to a great degree† or â€Å"of a great magnitude.† 13. forceful/forcible: To be forceful is to be strong or persuasive; something forcible is accomplished by using force (though it can mean â€Å"powerful,† too). Forced, meanwhile, refers to involuntary action or something done only with effort. 14. ironic/sarcastic: An ironic statement is one meant to be understood as meaning something other than its literal meaning indicates; a sarcastic statement can be ironic, but the word sarcastic generally refers to something said facetiously to express ridicule. 15. luxurious/luxuriant: Something luxurious is resplendent in luxury; something luxuriant is fertile and lush, though the word may also be used as a synonym for luxurious. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Good At, Good In, and Good With50 Nautical Terms in General UseShore It Up

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflections on the use of electronic health record data for clinical Essay

Reflections on the use of electronic health record data for clinical research - Essay Example Of course, the electronic health record system is not perfect. There are still several aspects that need improvement such as standardization and completeness of data. Further improvements need to be done to ensure accuracy and completeness of data as well as standard use of terms in all hospitals. Electronic health records may be also used for clinical research, given the wide database of different patients with similar, if not the same, medical cases. This data would prove to be useful in determining effectiveness of treatment and would provide different views on medical approaches. However, this task is not as simple as it may seem. Getting data from electronic health records is a complex and intricate task because one would need clear and concise data for it to be used effectively in clinical research. There are too many discrepancies in data and differences in terms and abbreviations used in transcribed notes that make collection of data more difficult. After reading the article, I realized that electronic health records are useful in ways more than one. I never really thought about EHR as a vital tool in clinical research. I know that it is important for records’ sake and that it would provide all necessary information to improve the quality and stability of patient care. Its use in clinical research is very interesting. It would not only aid health care providers in identifying specific patterns in diseases, but it would also help in comparing different treatments which could show researchers the more effective ones. The use of electronic health records could also further methods of assessing quality of care given to patients. The possibilities are endless and the benefits are seemingly overwhelming. The use of EHR’s, however, can also result in violation of privacy. Privacy is an important aspect of quality health care. The problem with transcribed data from health care providers in that it includes the name of the patient, which

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Health Care Crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Health Care Crisis - Research Paper Example Each country has some rules and regulations that govern the health care system and they have to be adhered to. The universal health care has three tasks in each member of the society. It covers the following in every individual. The first one is the person who is to be covered with the system. Secondly, the services that the system has to offer to that person. Lastly, the total cost when carrying the person. In most developed countries, the universal health coverage is of much helpful to the residents. This has been made true, by the primary funds the government of these countries gets through the local residents. The government imposes tax to the residents and this becomes revenue to the country and which ensures that the country’s health care system achieves its goals. Also, some countries get funds the merchants and private sectors. The Soviet Union was the first one to establish the health care system in early 1937 and it was well redistributed towards its rural areas. Despite that America is among the wealthiest countries in the planet, it does not have universal health coverage unlike other developed countries. This is true because of some reasons or rather facts that have hindered America from diversifying its economy from universal health coverage which is a bit cheaper. Historically, the United States has never had a labor party which becomes successful. The low income earners in the United States were able to buy in most parts of the country. Land mobility was also encouraged and the middle class were also able to own the properties. This led to totally acquiring free land or quasi free land in most parts of the America. Consequently, a large number of the middle working class owned land in the United States, unlike in most parts of the planet where the land was owned by rich people. This resulted in failure of the labor party since there was no need of one voice to push for equity among the America’s

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Self Determination of Indigenous Australians Essay Example for Free

Self Determination of Indigenous Australians Essay â€Å"Self determination is a principle of International Law and it must be the basis of social and political organisation† (Mazel, 2009, 150). This is an important principle in the acknowledging of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples rights. Self determination allows Indigenous peoples to independently determine their political status and gives them the freedom to economically, socially and culturally develop as according to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Maguire, 2009, 2). Acknowledging this fundamental right is essential for Indigenous Australians to be able to preserve their culture, dignity and independence. Therefore, political, social, cultural and economical independence and freedom need to be granted to the Indigenous peoples. Arguably, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) was politically a step forward for Indigenous self determination and autonomy. ATSIC was established in 1990 and allowed Indigenous Australians, via a number of councils, to effectively govern themselves. This gave them the opportunity to take care of their own land, education, economic development, laws and justice and a number of other issues. â€Å"Aboriginals must be recognised for what they are, a peoples in their own right with their own culture, history and values† (Djerrkura and Herron, 1999). Since ATSIC was abolished, the Indigenous peoples have even less political representation and their infrastructure has worsened. To maintain the traditions and culture of the Indigenous Australians, they need to be able to have the strong connection to the land that is such an integral part of who they are as a people. The Aboriginal Land Rights legislation is a positive step forwards in this way. Also, socially there needs to be more recognition in the white Australian community of the damage that was done in past generations and there needs to be more respect for the lands original owners. As more responsibility is taken for the wrongs against the Indigenous population, and more actions are taken such as providing mental health services to help deal with this, there will be less social stigma attached to the Indigenous population. The Australian Government implementing the Northern Territory Intervention was a direct violation of the Racial Discrimination Act and it â€Å"impairs self-determination of Aboriginal communities, their ability to make certain choices about how their communities are run† (Anyana, 2010). This blatant form of institutionalised racism is demoralising and takes the Indigenous Peoples dignity from them, lowering their self-esteem and essentially making the causes of excessive drinking worse. Also, government funding is not going far enough in terms of infrastructure or providing support. Without basic needs being met such as garbage collection or emergency plumbing, the risk of disease is much higher. Most importantly, I believe that there needs to be some constitutional changes so that rights cant be revoked so easily. Also, Indigenous history, culture and customs need to be assimilated into into all compulsory education from as early as possible so that the younger generation can co-exist more harmoniously. Another very important thing for white Australians need to do is stop trying to force westernisation onto the Indigenous people and let them be autonomous. Self determination is necessary for Indigenous cultures so that a cultural majority doesnt take over and force the old culture into extinction. Increased political independence and representation is an important step towards this, as well as encouraging their spirituality and better social integration of the diverse cultures. It is important that the Australian government gives back the Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory the right to manage their own finances and also to economically support these remote communities infrastructural development. This principle of international law is a foundation for organisation both politically and socially because handing over the responsibility is not only a show of respect but allows Indigenous Australians to take pride in who they are. REFERENCE LIST Mazel, O 2009, The Evolution Of Rights: Indigenous Peoples And International Law, Australian Indigenous Law Review; Volume 13, Issue 1. Maguire, A 2009, The Right of self determination to the Indigenous peoples of Australia, National Human Rights Consultation. Djerrkura, G and Herron, J 1999, Regional Autonomy for Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Communities; Discussion Paper. Anyana, M. 2010, The West Australian; NT Intervention violates human rights: UN.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

the million dollar blank-note (mark twain) :: essays research papers

Dear Son   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I know you are probably wondering what this letters concerning but I anted you to know how I came to be the man you look upon as your father. You should know that in many cases money is brought upon a man through inheritance, luck, or hard work. In my case however money was brought onto me because of the hard-worker I once was. It was not to long ago that I was just an ordinary man living in San Francisco as a mining brokers clerk. In the eyes of others I was a respectable young man, clean-cut, and very intelligent, all the qualities to go fortune. However in my eyes I looked past all those qualities and just say a lonesome m morning shift that Saturday, I decided to enjoy the rest of my day with a sail through the bay, like always however this time I had ventured to far and was carried out to sea by the current. I was stuck in the middle of nowhere with all hope lost until a ship picked me up from sea. The ship was bound for London and since I had no cash on me I had to work my passage there as a sailor. When I finally reached London I was a mess. My clothes where all torn and ragged, and I had only a dollar in my pocket. I survived the first day with the single dollar but when day two had arrived I was need for food and shelter however that same day my luck was beginning to change. I was walking on the streets in search for any food I could retrieve when a man called out to me through a window. I stepped inside the house where the man had called me from and was escorted into an enormous room, which was occupied, by a group of elderly old men. Now before I continue I need to stop and explain to you some minor details that weren’t given to me before. The Bank of England once issued two million dollar bank-notes. The notes were to be used for some public transaction with a foreign country. At the time on had been used while the other note still remained in the vaults of the bank. Well earlier that day before I came into the picture two of the brothers from the elderly group were having a great arugment on the second note.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Challenges Faced by the Print Media Essay

Conventional wisdom in the media industry holds that existing, established forms of media adapt to new and emerging forms. For example, radio adapted to the emergence of television rather than simply fading away. The emergence of the Internet and the plethora of information available, however, have led many to question the conventional view. Media executives and scholars agree that newspapers, magazines and other forms of print media face serious challenges in terms of readers, revenue and even their existence. Declining Readership †¢Readership of many forms of print media, especially newspapers, has been declining for years, and the Internet may have only accelerated this trend. Further, newspapers have largely failed to reach the younger, technologically savvy generations. The Press Council of Australia, in its 2006 report on the State of the News Print Media, reported that people over the age of 50 comprise nearly half of the readers of Australia’s newspapers. In the United States, the Pew Research Center for People and the Press, a nationally known public opinion research firm, reported in 2008 that the Internet surpassed newspapers as a news source. Television, however, remained the most popular source of national and world news. Lost Revenues †¢As the print media lose readers, shrinking their circulation figures, it becomes increasingly difficult for newspapers, magazines and other print outlets to sell the advertising space that provides the bulk of their revenues. Media consultant Jack Myers, writing for the online Huffington Post, reported that newspaper ad revenues plunged an estimated 40 percent since 2001, based on projected revenues for 2010. Further, Myers reported that magazine advertising revenues fell between 12 and 15 percent in 2008. Even the â€Å"Yellow Pages† telephone directories are not immune from this trend, as Myers projected declines in their ad revenues, as well. Long-Term Survival †¢Declining advertising revenues have threatened the very existence of many print media outlets, especially newspapers. As revenues fall, many newspapers have slashed their editorial staffs and shuttered news bureaus. Some print media outlets have even ceased operations. The trend may continue, with more newspapers and other print publications going out of business. The Press Council of Australia cited a 2006 report by the London-based magazine â€Å"The Economist,† which predicted the extinction of at least some of the United Kingdom’s newspapers. The worrying trends and threats to their viability have many print media executives scrambling to develop news business models and methods to adapt to and prosper in this new media environment. Newspapers have increased their online presence, according to a survey of news media consumption by Pew Research; however, growth online has not offset newspapers’ losses in print readership.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Eve white vs Real eve

Simmer was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. She was one of the first cases doctors had ever come across. With being such a special case, Chris was asked if she would be interested in having a movie made about her life. Chris and her family decided to peruse the movie, but not to use her real name. The directors of the film decided to give her the name of Eve White. However, there were parts of the movie that did not happen In real life or were twisted In the making of The Three Faces of Eve.Having a disorder Like Chris was diagnosed with Is not only hard to the patient, but also hard for friends and family. In Chris' life she had a loving husband and two children. Eve was In a bad relationship where she did not love her husband and a young daughter, Bonnie who she adored. When Eve White turned Into Eve Black, a rollicking young woman with a sly grin, she would physically harm Bonnie and would be extremely mean to her the little girl. Eve Black strangled Bonnie one day an d happened to Chris' eldest daughter as well when a different personality came out.Chris' children say that none of their mother's personalities ever hurt them, but they defiantly had their favorites, which they got across in the movie. Bonnie enjoyed when Cane's personality came out because she was kind and playful with her. In the movie Jane finds a man who she falls in love with, but does not feel as if she could marry him because she has more than one personality. They ended up getting married which was a true story from Chris' life.However, in the movie they did not put in that they did not tell anyone about her disorder because her new husband Don and their children would have to move because the neighbors would not wanting her to live by them because she is â€Å"crazy. † The Faces of Eve was based off of Chris' life, but Chris had 22 personalities instead of Just three. In the movie when both Eves' leave the body for good she is having a flashback to when her grandmot her had died. Eve is screaming about how her mother made her kiss the casket when she did not want too.Chris was furious that they put the blame on her mother in the movie when it was really her neighbor who made her do it. This flashback happened the day that the Eves' left her body for good and Jane stayed and she was cured for the rest of her life. This was a complete lie. Chris was cured for a little bit, but after a few months she realized the blackouts were coming back and more personalities were forming. For 44 years of Chris' life she had 22 different personalities who had control of her life.Chris Simmer has a book she wrote, I am Eve, and a movie, Three Faces of Eve all about her life and her Journey through her disorder. Chris and Eve were essentially the same person, but come across differently In the movie and her real life story. Chris' life was much more difficult than It made It seem In the movie. Chris shared her story, not for the money, but to spread the word for others out there who are dealing with the same disorder to let them know that they are not alone. She also shared her runner to let others know what she went through because she was one of the first cases to be diagnosed.Eve white vs.. Real eve By marshland were parts of the movie that did not happen in real life or were twisted in the making of The Three Faces of Eve. Having a disorder like Chris was diagnosed with is not loving husband and two children. Eve was in a bad relationship where she did not turned into Eve Black, a rollicking young woman with a sly grin, she would physically same person, but come across differently in the movie and her real life story. Chris' life was much more difficult than it made it seem in the movie. Chris shared her

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Bloomingdales international cu

Bloomingdales international cu "AT BLOOMINGDALE'S, WE'RE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE" Bloomingdale's is successful because they have positioned themselves in the retailing market, by offering unique merchandise from around the world, targeting a affluent, educated group of patrons aged between 35-55 years, and focusing on "Customer Service". This marketing strategy has been the back bone of their success.Advertisement campaigns of Bloomingdale's has portrayed the focus of "Customer Service", with slogans such as "At Bloomingdale's, we're always at your service" and "You are like no one else in the world, Bloomingdale's is like no other store in the world.  ¢Ã‚„ ¢." Bloomingdale's is like no other store in the world, offering a unique retailing experience. It has been referred to as the "retailing theatre" in some of the worlds most influential magazines. Thus Bloomingdale's has gathered a international reputation for their unique merchandise and services; becoming a hot tourist destination.English: The Bloomingda le's department store at So...The International Customer will have unique needs, that will have to be catered too in order to achieve return business and new clientele.LANGUAGE BARRIER World wide there is over 200 different languages spoken. Thus, there are vast differences among nations as to the languages commonly spoken. Even within nations, there is often diversity as to the languages spoken. For example, Canada (English and French), India ( Hindi and English) Japan ( Japanese, English and Korean) have two or more official languages. However , the obvious language barrier, is not the only concern. Words have a variety of meaning within diverse countries.To overcome this issue, Bloomingdale's has available "Personal Shopping Assistant" Service. This is can be obtained at the International Service Desk, here they arrange for Associate that speaks the clients native language to assist. The signs in the store a mainly written in English, however there is a...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Cheapest auto insurance rates in El Paso

Cheapest auto insurance rates in El Paso This far western city in the state of Texas features a growing economy with towering skyscrapers, highways connecting different parts of Texas, beautiful driveways and tourist places that attract people from all over the world. So there is a lot of travelling going on in El Paso. Auto insurance is a must if you are living in El Paso. The state department of insurance requires all the cars to be insured. The minimum coverage requirement in El Paso is known as the 30/60/25 law. As per this law, you will be covered in three forms of insurance coverage. Individual bodily injury liability in which the company will pay a maximum of $30,000 to the person for injuries sustained in an accident. Second is total bodily injury liability whereby a total sum of $60,000 would be paid for all the persons seated in the car whi have been injured. The last is property damage liability whereby the company shall pay $25,000 for any damages caused to property. It is evident that being one of the biggest cities of Texas, Best Auto Insurance is a huge cost in El Paso. The average cost of insurance coverage in El Paso is higher as compared to the national average cost. So people are always looking forward to saving money in terms of insurance cost by opting for companies offering cheapest car insurance in El Paso. The rate of insurance prevailing in a city depends on a number of variables. One of these variables is the type and model of vehicle that is driven most in the city. According to research data, the most driven cars in El Paso include Ford, Chevrolet, Nissan Altima, Honda Accord and GMC Sierra. Apart from this, factors like number of accidents that take place in a city also determ ines insurance rate. As per ranking of safe driving, El Paso ranks as 50th city among 200 cities of the US which is not quite good ranking. Driving conditions in El Paso are also a bit difficult which lead to chances of accidents. Overall the weather in El Paso is hot and humid throughout the year. But when it rains, it can bring floods and thunderstorms, impairing the visibility of drivers. Road conditions are also not up to the mark and lead to accidents. Majority of roads are rated average or poor in condition. This leads to traffic congestion and accidents become a possibility. The amount of traffic rules violations prevailing in a city also impacts the rate of insurance. El Paso has some serious issues with drunk driving which the city aims to curb. Moreover, the high number of theft of vehicles also causes the average rate of insurance to go high in Texas. The good news for residents is that there are a number of companies from which you can shop ariud and get the cheapest auto insurance rate in El Paso. Some of these are Allstate, Farmers, GEICO, Progressive and USAA. These are the top insurance companies in El Paso that offer the cheapest auto insurance rate.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

An IT strategy focused on maintaining a cutting-edge technology Essay

An IT strategy focused on maintaining a cutting-edge technology position - Essay Example The alignment of IT and business strategy of the firm is considered as one of the most important challenges for the managers.Without this alignment of both the strategies,it is relatively impossible for the firms to actually ensure that they retain and develop cutting edge technologies to help them stay ahead of the game. Without having access to the better IT technology, it is relatively impossible for the firms to continue to dominate the market. It has also been argued that those firms which initially focused upon perfecting their IT technology and making it more effective grew faster than the firms which initially focused upon the alignment of their IT and business strategy. This line of thinking therefore suggests that it is important to compromise on the alignment of the IT and business technology if the firm is actually able to first effectively improve its technology. One way or other, it is really important that without having cutting edge technology, it would be really inef fective for the firm to support the overall business strategy of the firm. This paper will therefore argue that without having access to the cutting edge technology, it may be entirely difficult for the firms to support their overall business strategy. IT Strategy The technology strategy of a firm is typically related with the development of tactics and tools related with the use of information technology within the firm. The critical focus of such strategy always remains on the acquisition and development of strategies which can allow the firms to develop their competitive advantage out of the information technology. It is however, important to understand that this strategy must also be leveraged through the people as without effective and efficient human resource, the firm may not be able to translate this strategy into a successful strategy. Traditional view of how technology should be utilized and how the technology strategy can actually be designed is based upon how effectively it can support the overall business strategy of the firm. One of the concerns has also been focused upon the optimization of the firm’s spending on the information technology. This line of thinking therefore often compromises the way IT can actually provide the real benefits to the firm. Over the period of time, it has been therefore argued that the overall business strategy should be the driving force for the IT strategy of the firm. This has however, been without the assessment that poor technology can actually fail to support the overall business strategy of the firm. It is therefore important first to ensure a seamless integration and alignment of both the IT and business strategy of the firm with each other. Access to the cutting edge technology It is argued that the access to the cutting edge technology as well as its effective deployment by the organization is necessary in order to allow the firms to better understand their market. The market insight and analytic abil ities provided by the cutting edge latest technology therefore allow the firms to not only better understand themselves but also better design and develop their strategies which can suit to the market where they are operating. One of the key aspects of having access to the latest technology is to gain the competitive intelligence allowing firms to better leverage their business strategy. Developing the capability of competitive intelligence can only be possible with the help of having access to the cutting edge technology. Old and outdated technologies may lack the capability to provide the same level of analytic insight to help firms to actually have a re-look at their business st